Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tamara is Here!!!!

Tamara is here to Visit! I picked her up at the airport and we went for dinner at a place that serves a sandwich called "The Anaconda." It's a burger with bacon, lettuce, and tomato served between two grilled cheese sandwiches.

This was right when we got The Anaconda.

This was just upon finishing the Anaconda. We definitely look fatter.

This is a nicer photo of out post Anaconda selves.

Tam's first Canadian Money!! Now she is a sleepy monkey...

Brittany Walk Cycle

This week we wee assigned a walk cycle in 3D Animation. I downloaded this rig ofline and used her to create a sassy walk!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baby Beluga!

For this Animation assignment, we went to the Vancouver Aquarium and studied the Beluga's so that we could take animation criteria and make them move believably.

VFS Man Jump

Here's the jump we had to do for Term one Animation. I spiced mine up a bit for the end of term 1 presentation...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Female Anatomy Sculpt

We had even LESS time for this than we did for the male, and this one had to be a SPECIFIC person. We were given a directory of anatomy references and had to sculpt a particular lady. I got Renata and, although you don't have references, you'll have to trust that I did a good job...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Male Anatomy Sculpt

Male anatomy sculpt with no skin. We only had a couple of days to do this.

The Anatomy Studies Begin

Little Still Image Here:

Skull Study:

Skull with Tendons:

Classical Animation...

Classical animation is WAY harder than I thought it would be. I have SO much respect for classical animators now. Here are a couple of the assignments we've done so far.

The Dreaded Jumping Flour Sack:

The Side Walk:


Front Walk:

Curtis P-40 Warhawk

We had to model a WWII airplane...

*Admittedly, not my best work, but you have to pick and choose when you have so many assignments and so little time.

Here's What I've been doing so far...

We had to choose a super hero from a list of orthographic drawings, and build, rig, bind, and weight them. I chose dottie...

Here is Dottie's Range of Motion Test...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ToasterBot Composate Success!!!

Check it:

So I'm making some progress in my Bot Challenge! The compositing stage is here, and although it's not perfect, it's getting there. There's definitely more to come, so keep checking back...